Free Range Lightning

   [ Surviving In The '70s ]

    He's in his 30s. He's determined to set his mind free. It's a Free Mind sort of a time. He opts for alternate living. He grows a beard. He goes exploring. He discovers wine and music and scabbing and a better way of writing. For the best part of the decade his creative head goes berko but takes the rest of him with it. His pen and his life flies out of control. Some days the stuff bounces off the walls like free-range lightning and some days it goes underground and some days it just lolls about and maudles so there’s no way of sub-categorising it. It is what it is. It's a strange old time. He probably doesn't have any right to survive it but he will. 

<<< >>> 


here I now stand
a being
having existed
for a few revolutions of an insignificant planet
around a smallish-sized star
in the outer edges of an average galaxy
among an unknown multitude of galaxies
in an inconceivably infinite Universe
at a point in Time somewhere between
No Beginning and No Ending
part of an unstoppable chain of circumstances
I had no part in designing
of a life-form I did not choose
in a species that will last
for an eyelid's flicker
comprised of matter and energy
that was never created
and will never be destroyed
    only transferred
    and transformed
    and rearranged 

here I now stand
knowing that a molecule
in my left index fingernail
was once part of Mary Magdalene's sandal
an atom in the lower right cortex of my brain
was once in the excrement
of a pterodactyl
one of the electrical impulses
that helped write this line
was part of the grunt from a slimy green being
on an obscure planet near Andromeda
a zillion years ago 

here I now stand
and foresee that part of the grey tip
of the hair I just scratched out of my beard
will one day fire the cataclysmic inferno
of our Sun's ending
for a very brief moment
as it goes ... POOF!
with none of us to witness
the inglorious departure
of such an old friend 

    T.R.E. (1972) 

           <<< >>>


a gull
wild on the wind
wheeling out beyond the grasp of land
immune to gravity
and the things of earthbound men 

a spirit
free to be a bird
drifting on those gusty whims of nature
white as a virgin
and perfect in its darwin harmony 

    T.R.E. (1972) 

        <<< >>>


the elusive old and brooding craft
ever striving to capture
a deep and fleeting sense of moment
to bridge the gap between two minds
yet not always evoking in the viewer
the image of the artist's grasping 

but, enough that art touch something
stimulate some otherwise sleeping corner
cause change in passing
open a clear and wider eye
on this very personal mystery
that is existence 

    T.R.E. (1972) 

          <<< >>>


The child I was
Was programmed from birth
To believe as my parents believed
But the man that I am
And the mind that I am
Wants thoughts only It has conceived 

The God I was given
Of fear and revenge
Has now died in a spreading Light
Of unshackled thought
And a true realisation
Of universal right 

Now I wander at will
In the corridors of my mind
And dare to open each door
To accept what I see
And face what I am
Be it animal? – or man? – or more? 

Will I find God?
Will I find truth?
Or just a passing life-form from the sea
With a compulsive desire
To justify its own awareness
With a myth of divinity? 

    T.R.E. (1972)

          <<< >>>

       IN TRANSIT 

There must be space in our lives
for the privacy of our very own
secret thoughts
tucked away
where only the most trusted of friends
can run their fingers over
   their sheer and delicate fabric 

even that sacred place
is partitioned into zones of selected entry
and rarely in a lifetime
do we discover even one soul
so kindred as to be extended an invitation
   to all those rooms of quiet treasure 

And there is so much carefulness
and so much fearfulness
in the business of checking the passports
of the travellers waiting at the gate 

So few get by
why should they?
So many so loud
so pushing and shoving
all ugly and noisy and big dirty boots
giggles and gawks and snides aside
PR men and cold hollow heroes
all grabbing and stabbing
and business suits and cutout characters
snipped from a book
frilly and frothy and cameras at the ready
stuff you and mount you
on their trophy room wall
they’d root you and shoot you
and they’d laugh when you cried
and they’d never think twice
   of the richness inside 

it’s the people we come to love
that give us the most unease
for the Uglies of the world get easier to pick
the wiser we become
and even the simple Empties
who want nothing of us either way
can be put aside with courtesy and respect
while the truly good and deep people
(who just aren’t going our way for the moment)
decorate our time
   for a short part of their own journey 

It truly is
those uncertain few
who we feel compelled to love
that cause us to hesitate
in our endless search
for at least one other we can trust
   with the keys to our ancient kingdom 

But the time it takes
to be sure
is more than the time we have
and so we gamble
yearn to be winners
learn to be losers
take the pain inflicted on us
not entirely of our own making
simply because we love to live
and take a risk or two
with the few who touch us
as only those few
   can make us whole 

And some will endow us
with the dreams of the child
take us to places we forgot to hold dear
restore all the pleasures
that slipped from our fingers
paint all the pictures that once were so clear
capture the spirit of the reason for living
fill us with memories
of the past times we’ve known
write all the stories
that are ripe for the telling
find there is wisdom
in the sorrow we have sown 

as always
be content with the thought
that nothing is ever finished
   but simply in transit... 

    T.R.E. (1972) 

         <<< >>>


you can’t rush a lifetime
it has to be taken at a lifetime’s pace
be as impatient with it as you like
(you scratchy clutch of God’s hapless people)
it’s still going to damn-well keep its own velocity
as it plugs on through the mess of matters
    that make up existences of varying lengths
trust me, it’s all part of The Design 

    T.R.E. (1973) 

            <<< >>>


it's simply that it's not enough
to know all people from the outside 

if this lifetime is to be of its fullest value
we need to touch the inner places
of at least a few of our fellow travellers
not just shake hands or kiss the social cheek
but get inside the nature of the beast
to share our private-most thoughts
on what we have separately found along the way 

these intimate moments are tragically rare
when two people exchange with trust and affection
their small treasures from the well of wisdom 

we have each trod this same familiar road
and have seen the same things but each in our own way
your experience of it has been different than mine
and I need to understand what you understand
as if somehow two lives can be lived
for the price of one 

yet how afraid we seem to be
to entrust our fellows with pieces of our Self
fearful that they may steal them away
or worse still
diminish them with judgements
and not treat them as treasures at all
hand them back with a shrug and a so what laugh
and leave us just a little more naked than before 

maybe only on the other side
do we get to compare notes
with love and kindness and compassion
and here we only gather them alone 

I think I need to find
that this is not one of the Truths 

    T.R.E. (1973) 

              <<< >>>


fellow souls in this limbo of creation
that is at my elbow and in my mind...
today is monday the fifteenth day of january
in the year nineteen hundred and seventy three
here on a minor planet Earth 

it’s a day that each of you
have experienced for yourselves in some way
each have lived and felt and stored away
in the places of your soul
to become eternally that which each of us
will ultimately and only comprise
one of those days that imposes itself on you
pushing back all thoughts that are not of
peace and harmony 

there are cottonwool clouds in a space-blue sky
there is daylight for as far as can be seen
there are magpies in trees and leaves on vines
and a warm sun and a cool breeze
and people who at last seem to be part of it all 

it's one of those days made to be captured
and wholly consumed as food and drink
surely designed to make us aware that meaning
is ever around us
should we find the eyes to see 

it's a day to be used for making love with tenderness
and infinite pleasure
in a place where the warmth
goes straight to the skin

it's a day for letting life touch you to the core
and enhance your personality

it's a day to reach out
and pass thru the bounds of the physical
to the universe of all consciousness
and to take a step towards the destiny of all creation 

I have felt days such as this back to the limits of memory
I came to this time and place with the recollection of these days
for I have known days like this over all of eternity
and I respond to each new one as if it were the first
as I am a universal creature 

it takes a day like today to make me know my connection
with the space around me
and to empower me with the gift of conversation
with the spirits of all things 

I am in a sea of souls
they inhabit the grass and move the leaves
and look out at me from the eyes of all creatures
they spin the webs of my awareness
and kindle my passions for living
and my appetite for knowing
they conduct the symphony of understanding
and cause the soil to give up treasures 

today earth and sky and spirituality are one

    T.R.E. (1973) 

                 <<< >>>


Why do I get so agitated?
so simmering bloody angry?
I write all this compulsive shit and some days
all it does is make it worse.
Some things just don’t pour out onto paper,
it’s often such a sterile medium.
I want something back!
Geez, sounds like Dylan Thomas and Paul Gauguin
complaining about the bills
(while they turned out brilliance
nobody cared a stuff about at the time)
Why does it all have to be so ... lonely?
Maybe I’m just pissed off at myself
for thinking it should all
somehow have some reason to it.
People pay me handsomely to write
stuffy numbers and boring letters
endlessly endlessly endlessly,
till sometimes I think I’ll break in two,
and one bit’ll go on grinding data
and go on making the same million widgets
and the other bit will fly away
to that somewhere someplace
that’s of our youth’s dreams,
where I can stretch out
and feel someone else
who feels the same. 

I bet I tear this up. 

    T.R.E. (1973) 

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Knew a bookkeeper once
doodled in the margins
of the company accounts
wrote great odious odes like
    “all the figures dressed in grey
     debit credit who’s to pay,
     ask the figures dressed in black,
     don’t ask me – I’m alright Jack”
Ah, Narcissus was an amateur 

He discovered a lower form of life once
on an atoll between Easter Island and Haiti
it spent its days killing time
and eating lifesavers
and he observed it for three days
and all it did was watch him watching it
some creatures have pointless existences 

There ought to be a law against killing time
But how do you kill something
that only exists in your mind?
Kill your Mind!

    T.R.E. (1973) 

           <<< >>>


Creativity resides in the same part of the Self as insanity
and to be truly creative requires that we visit this place
and come back without being permanently affected by it
as to create with great imagination
demands that the rational and the real
be subjugated for a time
to the free-flying will
of the irrational and the surreal. 

It’s a time and a place of taking chances
to let go and be carried by the energy of the Child spirit
that lies in each of us
the wild and wilful Child
with its endless capacity to indulge itself
to give everything it has
and to take into itself every gratification it can find. 

From the unleashing of this free spirit
comes the images of all consciousness
all time
all space
all lives
all feelings
all passions
all ideas ever conceived or yet to be conceived
as the Child is the fountain-head of all imagination
and too often creativity is a compromise
a compromise demanded by the sane image of our selves
fearful of giving up its sovereignty
lest this Child not give it back. 

    T.R.E. (1973) 

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A young girl
Pretty in her own way
Cried when they let you down
Somehow that spoke more
Than all the droning words
That nobody heard 

Can a young man’s life
Be condensed
To born, baptised, confirmed, rest in peace?
Why did it all seem
Such a commercial for Christianity
And not for living well? 

Please, my own dear friends
If you are there when I’m lowered down
Don’t let me go that way
Will some of you take the pulpit
And say – “he lived well, he lived fully,
    he died ready to go around again” 

And laugh!
No damn long faces for me
For God’s sake and mine
Be happy for me!
Make some music
Drink some wine
Let living go on
Know how much I lived
And only tears of love
For a dear friend
Who will be absent for a while 

    T.R.E. (1973) 

           <<< >>> 


somehow I feel sadder for Mary Magdalene than Jesus
I think he found what he needed of life
but what of her?
what emotions - what needs?
what became of her?
what memories warmed her latter days? 

to do her justice
shouldn't the gospel according to Mary
have been included? 

    T.R.E. (1974) 

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writing makes part of me clearer, to myself
causes something to grow that would otherwise
just wait, and wait,
wait impatient, and moody too
trying to escape solitary confinement

and what I write is ever mine to me
and anyone else who'll treat it with respect
not judge it, nor analyse it
but gain what they can
then turn the page 

all of this is a very personal collection
random thoughts from a fragile place
where thoughts are dreams
and dreams reality
and reality an illusion 

and the truth is
it’s in all of us
but you can't live there
only visit
when you need to 

I hope some of this
helps to show you the way 

    T.R.E. (1974)

         <<< >>>


Seemingly always searching
Looking for the piece
To make us whole
To complete this puzzle
That is our Self 

Is it really to be found
In someone else?
Or do we arrive with all of the parts we need
And it’s only a matter
Of arranging them in the new order
That is right for us
This time around? 

    T.R.E. (1974) 

            <<< >>>


rising up winter limbs
it makes me swell
fit to burst with words 

Ah, it's optimism time again
enough glooming around in corners
let’s get out and give the world
some honest trouble
make a lot of greens and yellows
to colour over the grip of grey
cabbage leaves and sunshine
and cold white wine
tracing inspiration down the glass
drive the neighbours crazy
with singed steak smells
and gobs of onions
broadsides of noisy friends
looking for their summer belly laugh 

This is not a day to waste
ruminating on last year’s losses
give the sap its head
‘cause in no time at all my friend
you’ll be back to pruning
and mumbling to yourself 

    T.R.E. (1974) 

           <<< >>>


did you ever have a day
when wandering thoughts were given
the right to wander? 

follow them and note their journey
some adventures worth knowing may just begin 

I knew a sorcerer once
travelled the boundless limits of my mind
(played a little bluegrass banjo on the side)
his orbit brought him by my part of the heavens
every millennium or so
and he always had a good story or two 

told me about a man on Cypher 27
who begged him to cut out part of his brain
so he could be like the rest
but he cut off his head instead
said the coward deserved to die 

sorcerers are funny that way
I don’t tell him MY troubles 

    T.R.E. (1974) 

          <<< >>>


She had the strangest dream 

Walking in a sundappled wood
gathering wildflowers
and touching the spirits of old trees
with feelings of mellowness
and of joyful huggings to herself
a good to be alive kind of a day
full of private promises too long in coming 

In a bright thistledown clearing
a woodcutter came by
and he eased his load of axe and timber
watching her youth and her beauty
with a soft and caring eye 

She stopped as if to talk a while
but at some uncertain distance
greeting him with half a smile
and a waiting air 

The woodcutter began to walk around her
and somehow - without surprise -
turned into a tiger
and began stalking
a steady circle around her day 

Once twice three times
never closer than her own desire
yet neither moving away
and she trembled inside her young girl soul
wanting to touch the rippling beast
lay beside it in the summer grass
take in the power of its ways 

Then the tiger stopped
to face her
and smiled
a quiet knowing smile
and turned back into the woodcutter
heaved up his labour’s burden
and made as if to leave her life
“There is magic everywhere”, was all he said
then he walked away. 

    T.R.E. (1975) 

         <<< >>>


some days I think I'll bloody burst
trying to hold in everything
stuff screaming to be let out
the exuberance in here is positively manic
one day I'll swell up
and my eyes will bug out
and pink steam will come out my ears
WHAPP SPLAT all over the walls
and there will be bits of me on display
like a random gallery
by Dali and Picasso
and everyone will walk by
trying to decide if they like it or not...
  “I wonder if it’s up the right way?”
  “Love the frame, hate the picture”
  “Lots of energy, not much talent?”
  “Has a sort of evocative air, the signature that is”
  “Love this landscape”
  “That’s a portrait of his father”
  “I wonder if it’s up the right way?”
  “I can really relate to this mess”
  “Probably his breakfast”
  "Oh my god, what are those two people doing!”
  “Should be a law against such filth”
  "It’s only a man and a woman looking at each other”
  “Yes, but look what he's thinking”
  “I wonder what she's thinking”
  “Hard to tell”
  “Lots of empty spaces - what do they mean?”
  “They're titled Remaining Possibilities"
  “Lot of self-centered self-indulgent crap if you ask me”
  “Well - I like it”
  “Yeah, but who are you?”
  “I’m what’s left of the person on the wall” 

    T.R.E. (1975)

                  <<< >>>


I woke up brand new this morning
with a diamond clear eye and a realisation
that somehow the Sorcerer had re-made the world for me overnight 

I saw a creek running with the tailings of Spring
the surface wrinkled with the eddies
of its timelessness coming and going
and I imagined I saw an old man
stooping over a swishing dish
panning out the days of his life
with the glint of gold in his watery eyes 

I saw a white goat with a green mouth
content to be chained to his iron wheel
and I swear he winked at my thoughts
and asked whose chain was heaviest 

I saw a friend's house
and she was probably still in bed
and he was already out slaying his own dragon 

I saw a skyscape of cloud that was all marshmallow
with scudding bottoms and a background of blue
so intent on arranging themselves
they didn't see me watching 

I saw a rhinoceros with red sides and aluminium armoured back
that lumbered and grumbled and breathed smoke out of its horn
a truck with a breakfast of scrambled mountain
for the machines that are slowly eating the world 

I saw a schoolboy with reluctant pedals and wild hair
who could have been Ginger Meggs
or Dylan Thomas
or Ned Kelly
or Orville Wright
or me 

I saw that my glory vines were in leaf
and were climbing straight up their posts like trained snakes
content to be glory vines
and to play out their part in the Order of Things 

I think they were trying to tell me something 

    T.R.E. (1975)

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the day I was born
I dreamed me a dream
'bout a boy who knew worlds
and space in between
couldn't be seen
struggled to capture
passing machines
Da Vinci was brother
taught him to fly
the Icarus sky
blacksmith and poet
shared a twin mind
from some other time
disturbed by questions
that have no answers
restless creations
seasons rotations
till universe stops
and rhythms cease 

what then
you inward gazer
what then
you brown-eyed dreamer
of a deeper peace 

    T.R.E. (1976)

         <<< >>>


there is a mystery in existence
calling softly from the sea
carried on the sounds of the midnight watch
in my holds of memory 

   listen, listen, searching sailor
   follow my siren sound
   here I am at the masthead light
   with the answers you've never found 

have I heard you in the heron's cry
when I was lost at the edge of the deep
far from the gods and the things of man
in the sargasso's soul-less sleep?

did I see you in the beacon's flash
when I was hungry for rest from my fears
where a few safe hours at your cottage fire
must warm my running years? 

   touch me, touch me, lonely sailor
   make a mark on my gossamer skin
   reach out from your uncertain barque
   to where time and tides begin 

have I sensed you in the lull of battle
when my ship has stunk of greed
in the futility of our golden lusts
and the red of our endless need? 

have I felt you when the moon was young
and our smugglers oars would reach
for the shale as sharp as the waiting dark
and the promise of death on the beach? 

   love me, love me, restless sailor
   come visit the home of the pearl
   and taste the salt of your callow youth
   in the bed of a green-eyed girl 

the midnight watch has seductive ways
that takes me away from the wheel
but tonight I'll climb to the top of the mast
and embrace the presence I feel 

    T.R.E. (1976)

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sometimes you wonder
has god put last week's page
last month's page last year's page
into his divine photocopier
and dialled in a number
that is his own private joke? 

    T.R.E. (1976)

            <<< >>>


we are here to touch
and be touched
by this experience
to be effected
and changed by it
and to cause change
in our passing 

I cut down a tree once
which only put things backwards
and somewhere there's a blacksmith
striking steadily
who feels the same as I do 

the image has already faded
back to counting horseshoes 

    T.R.E. (1976)

          <<< >>>


jenny brown
pulled the plug on her own half-life
the only truly personal thing
on the six o'clock news
why does one pretty young mum
her kids stolen away
hooked to a machine
that did most of her living for her
cut me ten times deeper
than four thousand mexicans
or a million ethiopians?
sometimes nothing adds up
but everything takes away
I hope I meet you
jenny brown 

    T.R.E. (1976)

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my Shadow is a bikie
the Woman in me is you
one at each shoulder
ever slightly out of view 

the four of us are separate
and all of us are one
together make the Wise Old Man
I'm destined to become 

the archetype Hero a collage
bits of Dad and Vern
a spitfire pilot and a blacksmith
Leonardo and Jules Verne 

Henry Miller in the shadows
Nyoka to the side
a thrust of Boadicea
the week the Romans died 

and somewhere there's a Sorcerer
with something up his sleeve
and dark bald mountain magic
and disney coloured leaves 

yet the writing hand moves round
to Peter Pan and friends
a small boy's creek and ten league boots
and siren painful ends 

then home to the womb with thorns inside
to the love that leaves a stain
still and yet the only love
that’s worth the friggin' pain 

    T.R.E. (1976)

             <<< >>>


There was a virgin purity at large
a distant stretch of infinite
ever-diminishing sea on sand where
the rollers constantly rise and dump
on this endless beach of God’s lonely dreaming 

It was the time of The Beginning 

Somewhere out there
in the depths of the Maker’s blue green mind
the germ of an idea was forming
the restless notion of a thing already loose
amongst the rock and kelp
and heading for the shallows 

It emerged as a nothing speck
in the vastness of that perfect place
struggling in the suck of sand and push of sea
its awful wilfulness already at odds
with the previous natural order 

It rose to a half uncertainty
then with both feet spread in defiance
pulled itself free from its mother the sea 

For a while it stood as if waiting
picking the remnants of seaweed
from its sun-warmed and drying skin
looking to either side into the distant haze
and not yet anything but a possibility 

Written in the sand
just beyond the reach of the tide
in characters of infinite gentleness
and deliberation
was a simple statement –
   “Your name is Humankind. Make of it as you will.” 

Sinking slowly to its knees
it studied this for some time
digging its feet softly into the sand
savouring the sensations of each grain
passing between its toes 

Then it added –
And it waited
Ages it waited
aeons of time
slipping by between each lick of tongue
over salt-seasoned lips
epochs of time
nothing stirring
but the timeless wash of the waves
and an irritation from within 

Eventually it rose
and with deliberate step
walked ten thousand leagues along the beach
each step studied for its impression on the sand
and its fleeting existence
as the sea wiped the beach clean behind 

it turned
and ten thousand leagues walked back
and with each step it looked
from the sea to the sun to the sand
and at last it came to the inscription
and added –
   “Why not?” 

      T.R.E. (1976)

               <<< >>>


What’s it all about?
I'll tell you what it’s all about
It’s all about trying to make sense out of things
Things like Gravity
Things like Love and Getting Even
Things like Luck and Lust
And degrees of madness
And setting the bar two pegs higher than you can jump
Things like random acts of compassion and selfishness
     and being able to tell the difference
And what about Linda Rondstadt I ask you
     legs and roller skates
     and tracks that make you want to bash your head on the desk in sync
     and hard
     just to get involved with the whole fucking experience!
     Now there's something to ponder on!!

And it’s about trying to make sense out of God
And labradors and lesser life forms
It’s about trying to make sense out of the never-ending background hum
     of the dynamo, the Big Engine, like that 

And I ask you this...
     Do any of us get even close to nailing it?
     Hard to say
     Probably not 

(Gee-zuz, I DO so love writing this shit,
    Fridays after lunch,
       but I must go a touch easier
           on the pints of black stuff... maybe) 

    T.R.E. (1977)

                   <<< >>>


Forty is a black knight in full armour
coming at a gallop on a wild horse
lance set to impale him through the spirit
as inevitable as the last reckoning 

Forty is so much tick tick time disappearing
clocks picking his pockets in the crowd
stealing the hours he’d earmarked for himself
for when he was older and more deserving 

    T.R.E. (1977)

                <<< >>>


Monday grey
Bleak grey
Winter dust grey
Grey as three days of slow rain 

Staring grey
Empty words grey
Business suit grey
    Grey as pencilled numbers 

Cold army stew grey
Prison porridge grey
Wasted lifetime grey
    Grey as stale washwater 

Gravestone grey
Marley’s ghost grey
Poverty and charity grey
    Lingering old age grey
    Grey as ashes and dust to dust 

    T.R.E. (1978)

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no-one is an island
entire of itself
every person is a piece of the Continent
a part of the main
if a clod be washed away by the sea
Europe is the less
as well as if a promontory were
as well as if a manor of thy friends
or of thine own were

anyone's death diminishes me
because I am involved in Mankind
and therefore never send to know
for whom the bell tolls 

it tolls for thee

              John Donne
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this is what went through my mind
more as an intense emotion
than thoughts or words
when we buried Nana Burgess
I was glad she was with Harry
and the indignity over
and yet, now looking at it from a further distance
she put up such a fight against a body
letting her down a piece at a time
rage rage rage
at the dying of the light 

is it truly the struggle
and how well we struggle
that is intently more important
than the Goal? 

    T.R.E. (1979)

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