Star Gazing


        [ The 2020's ]


        He's made it into his 80's. This is either the last, or not the last. It's anyone's guess.

        It has been (still is) a great journey, although he has no idea why the time went so fast, tells himself it must be either all part of God's Plan, or simply Nature's turnover. He keeps casting about as if he'll find The Answer nearby but deep down in his thinking hidey-hole he knows there isn't any Answer. Only speculation. And pre-packaged Theories. Most of them unbecoming of any rational modern human.

        So where is he up to? His eyes are getting tired and his legs and arms have gone skinny and his bum has disappeared and he has to have a few rather unlovely bits burnt off his outer layer every so often for fear of turning into The Elephant Man. But he's still watching and listening, and his Mind is ticking over well, maybe better than ever, navigating towards a wisdom fine-tuned by experience and reflection. And his Spirit is healthy too, still checks out the stars at 5.15am most mornings just in case. Just in case God has left a message.

        But Fish has turned into full-time Smudge and is about to Master the Arts. (But always has a great hug at the ready). And Ace is out there somewhere helping keep the techno world spinning madly for the masses. And the kid's are middle-aged but have a full life, so there's mostly just him and her. Comfortable. Propping each other up. All roughly as it should be.

        He's still reading, writing, and researching, but now it has an urgency, because there's still so much to be explored. To be understood. Which means he's developed a mania for suddenly scribbling words on scraps of paper while the inspiration or the question or the answer is still captive, then often has trouble reading his own writing. But when he cracks it, he feels that old rush, that sweet old rush, that aerodynamic lift. Knows that when it finally goes, he goes.

        So, as long he keeps on adding to these scribbles, he's breathing..

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  >>>>>>>>>>>>>

             ELEVEN WORDS  

        I read
             to know you
        but, I write
             to know myself

                  T.R.E. (2021)



     there’s a print on his study wall
     two Supermarine Spitfires looking sleek
     sleek and deadly
     and there lies the conflict
     how anything so beautiful
          could kill you so well 

     in another life
     he flew one of these
     up there in that vast blue freedom
     of kill or be killed
     an unlovely duel
     that looks and sounds like chivalry
     but it’s just another anonymous death for one
     death by cleverness and a .303 gunbelt
     where the measure of a man

     is  a split second of difference
     between a sharp lefthand bank
     and the Spitfire’s inate ability
     to turn inside the ME 109’s
          frantic escape trail 

     it’s an elegant machine
     the Supermarine Spitfire
     ask anyone who’s flown one
     anyone that lasted the distance that is
     they’ll tell you –
     you don’t fly it, they’ll say
     you put it on
          and it flies you 

     looking at it now
     he remembers
     in 1940
     when he put one on
     and was a god and a valkyrie
     for a few beautiful and elegant moments
          but only a few 

                 T.R.E. (2020)



     she tells me she’s found God
     not that I’d asked mind you
     it just spills out
     right there in the street
     well, that’s nice I say
     but make the mistake of asking
          and how’d that happen then?    

     it was last week
     the day after my husband asked
     if he could bring his girlfriend in
     to live with us
     not that he was actually asking
          it’s just how he does his humiliation thing    

     but I says NO, no bloody way you fuckhead
     so he beats the shit outa me
     so I decide I’m going to end it all
     so next day I get dressed in my best stuff
     and go out the front and wait
     wait for the morning milk truck
     the milk truck with the big wheels
     the milk truck that’s fat and busy
          and as reliable as sun-up    

     (and she looks at me with – well – radiance!)
     but I waited and waited and stayed ready
     ready to die under those wheels
     and for the first time ever in its whole life
     the milk truck was late!
     (and she adds, like some sort of explanation)
     and it’s NEVER late
           never, never at all    

     I suddenly see, see it clear
     it’s a sign from God!
     so I went to that church
     the one that saves you for God and for Jesus
     and got myself baptised
         what do you think of that?    

     I’m stuck for any quick answers
     not without sounding – like – sceptical
     like pouring cold water
     as her eyes, as I said, had a certain...
     well, there’s worse ways of finding God I s’pose
     and she smiled
          and went on her way.    

                  T.R.E. 2020    




        a lot of times
        you don't feel like writing something
        you start writing something
        the life comes back
        and you're free again 

               T.R.E. 2021 



         MARGERY & RON 

     she’s old and hunched
     shuffles her walking frame along
     as she diminishes ever so surely
     day by day 

     he’s old and intolerant
     saunters ahead of her as if she’s baggage
     because he’s still thinking he’s vibrant
     like back in his glory trekking days 

     Kate has known her for years
     coincidental morning coffee partners
     from back when Margery
     still had a decent measure of mojo 

     but slowly slowly over the years
     she watched Margery give up on Ron
     often suggesting there’s nothing left
     nothing between them any more 

     today Kate bumps into her on the street
     Margery on her own, more hunched than ever
     like her horizon is completely gone
     says Ron’s wandered off on his own 

     so, how are you going? Kate asks
     and the shell that used to be Margery says
     I wish I was dead, then adds
     Ron wishes I was dead too 

     Kate struggles for that - something
     a something to plug the angry space
     well, you’ve both got that in common at least!
     and the two of them have a stupid laugh 

     but, better than no laugh at all 

                  T.R.E. 2020 


          PANDORA’S BOX    

     everyone has a pandora's box
     full of their life stuff
     all different and all the same
     and I believe that
     if we opened every pandora's box in the whole world
     simultaneously and inya face
     wham! – out would come the entire history
     of the human race    

     now, my pandora’s box
     is a questionable thing
     made from strips of tar-paper, bits of string
     some maidenshair
     a chunk of something that could be
     part of an elizabethan chair
     oak spruce pinus radiata
     balsa teak chestnut mulga
     even some leftover Noah gopherwood
     every plank stained
     with the strains of Dvorak’s missed sonata    

     ohmygod look at it!
     it’s been scribbled on sat on shat on kicked
     pissed on by Gauls Brits Gaels Picts
     and it’s as old as methuselah - what can I say?
     it’s been around (and around and around and around)
     every whichway    

     but what it looks like is not the point
     it’s what’ll be left – y’know – inside
     when I’m done
     when the last word is writ wrote conjured up
     when the very last heatbeat beats
     when the last of the music has ... finally ... died    

     so open mine with care when I’m gone
     care and respect (and trepidation, say)
     maybe cross y’rself first even
     if y’r that way inclined
     (t’ keep that eternal boogeyman at bay)
     because it’s mostly full of words
     spawned from neurons tendons ink pen
     words and part-words, sketchy sorta words
     y’know - like those Iron Age pot bits on TV
     word sherds
     waiting to be whole again    

     but the thing is, it’s their wholeness
     (once jumped out and running free)
     that will tell us the stories
     all the stories we ever wrote
     or might write
     you and me    

     and not only but also
     maybe, just maybe, finally
     out would fly
     the Big Answer to the Big Why?
     Why in God’s Name did all this happen?
     geez that’s one I’d love to see
     it’d be worth coming back
     one more time
     to actually find out
          what I was meant to be    

           © T.R.E. 2021 



             GREAT-AUNT’S MAGPIE 

     My old Aunt Theo had a pet magpie.
     It was a bastard of a thing. 

     When we went to visit her
     you’d never know when it was going to
     suddenly appear from the bushes
          and ATTACK! 

     And you couldn’t kick it the guts
     that’d just make it hate you even more next time
     AND you’d be in trouble with Mum
          and old Aunt Theo. 

     The worst of it was,
     it knew it had you intimidated,
     it was in the way it strutted about
     in a parade of ego and self-congratulation,
     SO pleased with itself. 

     A local dog with heaps more aggro than the bird
     got it in the end
     tore its stupid bloody head off. 

     Aunt Theo was heartbroken. 

     Me? - best news I’d had for years. 

                T.R.E. 2021 



         THE DISMANTLERS    

     they mean well
     the boffins
     well ... they probably think so
     believe they can find the spirit
     in the words
     if they pull all them words apart    

     it’s like the physicists
     who reckon they can find
        The God Particle
     in the atom
     as if they only need to break it down
     into enough pieces
     and there it’ll be
         The Answer
     like the ghost in the machine
     hiding behind some quark    

     the writing-meaning-tellyou experts
     have pulled apart Michael Dransfield’s words
     so they can show you Michael
     and be such oh-so clever bastards
     but – dunno about you – but
     all they do is make me just a touch angry
     make me want to grunt
     grunt something like –
     leave him fuckenwell alone
     use something else to be clever on
     you won’t find Michael that way
     because he’s gone
     and taken his ghost with him
     best you can hope
     is that you’ll glimpse yourself
     in the wholeness on the page
         if you’re lucky    

               T.R.E.  2020    



     when my grandfather took me driving
     he would give himself marks out of ten
     for the smoothness of each gear change
     “whoops, that one was only about an eight”
     when his ageing reflexes
     and sense of timing
     would misfire a touch
     and the car would hesitate
     or the engine over-rev
          just the smallest amount. 

     as a young man
     he was a chauffeur in England
     so he told me
     drove some titled gent around
     in a Rolls Bloody Royce
     told me that many times
     always the same way
     and with the same emphasis
     and he’d wag his head, just a little
     like it was both pride and amusement
          mixed together 

     he said he’d had to do a course in driving
     with the actual Rolls people
     before he could take the job
     and one of the tests was for the instructor
     to sit in the back seat
     pour a glass of champagne
     and stand it on a drop-down table
     for the whole time
     “told me if the champagne spilled at all I wouldn’t pass”
          and he’d wag his head again, sometimes wink 

                     T.R.E. 2020 




     he steps it out
     rare day midwinter
     sky vast in a wash blue
     heading for coffee
     and a welter of scribble
     but still cold at eight ay em
         damn cold before the sun does its thing    

     first signs of life
     a white van and two tradies
     lumpy boots steel-capped
     sand coloured
         making their own dance    

     they shuffle about
     huddle, slam doors
     steam breathe the weekend footy
     the weekend footy and ...
          nup, just the footy    

     then the woman who it’s said
     threw slices of bread on the roof
     over the back fence
     she’s out doing her own sad shuffle
     up the middle of the street in slippers and gown
     stepping on each centreline traffic bump

     now two greek women
     one, old in compulsory black
     fitted with a widow hunch
     and one, not so old but just as ancient
     they share short tree-bole legs
     head for prayers in an offstreet garage
     but one sanctified by its icons
     where they’ll pray to never die
         even though its only Tuesday    

     next the flat-footed bus-chaser
     duck runs like charlie chaplin
     because his feet are either too long
     or his morning is too short
     he needs a new alarm clock
         or a greater sense of decorum    

     other than that
     there’s just ...
     just invisible me
          and a chortle of magpies    

              T.R.E. 2021    



           THE PUSHER MAN    

     he’s an old-ish bloke
     and a bit scrubby
     looks like he needs a shave and a haircut
     but probably always does
     even after having a shave and a haircut    

     they arrive together at the lights
     she on her morning walk
     him at the handles of a baby pusher
     and they wait
     just the two of them    

     the baby pusher is empty
     except for a well-worn towel
     and she casts an eye, a glance, curious
     can’t help herself, has to ask
     but smiling
     you haven’t lost a baby somewhere...?
     but he doesn’t smile back
     not one of those people like her
     who seek out the ridiculous
     craft it into a laugh between strangers    

     I use ta havva dog he says
     but the dog died
     so I got a cat
     but the cat buggered off
     so now it’s me walking frame
     cos me legs are stuffed
     but still doesn’t smile
     because life is serious
     and the button beeps and the lights change
     and he shuffles off    

     she sees him in the arcade
     steering his baby-less dog-less cat-less pusher
     into the bottle shop
     humps a slab of beer
     into that baby-less and dog-less and cat-less space
     and throws the towel over it
     like it’s some sort of private men’s business
     and heads back out the way he came
     passes her with eyes somewhere else
     on purpose    

                  T.R.E. 2020    



     keep your feet firmly on the ground
     put your head in the clouds
         and then...
     let the ghost dance
     naked and unrestrained
     dance dance dance
     like the wildest fool 

              ©  T.R.E. 2021 


            GOD THE INVENTOR 

     one day in his Middle Age
     God invented tomatoes 

     it was well after he’d invented birds
     quantum physics
     black holes
     and crocodiles 

     it was a delightfully sunny day
     just after he’d invented that couple
     that couple of trouble-makers

     he decided the universe needed tomatoes
     and he was right
     so he did it 

     he thought about it
     and he invented basil
     thought about that
     then invented feta cheese
     knew he still wasn’t done

     so he invented olives and olive oil
     sat back
     thought about inventing the Italians
     but knew, in time, they’d invent themselves 

     then he left
     his work was done 

             ©  T.R.E.  2021



      sometimes I need
      to talk about…
      the ghost
      dark realities
      light possibilities
      a big land
      a big sky
      performance engines
      old cars
      old motorbikes
      old ideas
      new ideas
      the journey
          and the why of it all 

      …but I don’t
      maybe it’s the price you pay
      for being a little too

            ©  T.R.E.  2021    


         the sound



     this is the sound
     of an 82 year old man
     bending down to unlace his shoes
     after his four kilometre morning walk 

            © T.R.E. 2021 



           THE MESSAGE     

      a bit after five o’clock
      back lawn, early morning dark
      clear midwinter sky, old-ish man,
      he’s studying the stars     

      he’s been doing this now
      these last forty-some years
      watching their annual progression
      around the firmament     

      but a city back yard is no place
      for star and heaven gazing
      way too much light pollution
      which leaves him only The Few -     

      alpha and beta centauri “the pointers”,
      and our own personal southern cross,
      and the saucepan in season,
      plus lots of imaginary shapes     

      apparently we use the pointers to navigate
      alpha centauri is only 4.37 light years away
      but its detached mate beta is off in some other galaxy
      and they just look close, to us     

      the southern cross’s stars are variously
      88 to 364 light years away
      so, at 10 trillion kms per light year
      we may never get to see them up close     

      truth is, if anyone should ask (but they don’t)
      he’d say (wryly) he’s out there each morning
      looking for a message from God
      just in case ... just in case ...     

      but, one morning, at age 82 earth years
      he realises (flash of insight) that the message
      has been there all the time, since Time
      so, all he has to do now is

            work out what it’s saying     

               ©  T.R.E.   (2021)




     to immerse yourself in a story
     as a reader or a writer
     is to find a special kind of solitude
     an escape
     where you can be both a spectator and a participant
              a bit like… God 

             © T.R.E. 2021
